September 29, 2017 is National Coffee Day across North America. Here are 5 reasons why you should enjoy your favourite cup of joe on September 29 and every day! ...
- Coffee may be associated with a reduced risk of developing numerous cancers. In fact, in June 2016, IARC (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) – an agency of the World Health Organization – confirmed that coffee is not classified as a carcinogen.
- One to five cups of coffee per day has been associated with fewer incidences of death from cardiovascular disease. These results are based on a massive Harvard-led study of 200,000 people over a 30-year period.
- Many athletes use coffee to enhance their physical performance. Coffee can also positively impact mental alertness and endurance. And it’s perfectly legal!
- Coffee is one of the most significant sources of antioxidants in the Canadian diet. Antioxidants are tied to a host of health benefits, including risk reduction for ailments such as liver and colon disease(s) and type ll Diabetes.
- Coffee may have a preventative effect on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Recent studies show that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed onset, and it can help with movement symptoms for people who already have Parkinson’s.
And if you miss National Coffee Day on September 29th, don’t worry… it’s International Coffee Day on Sunday, October 1st. Enjoy!
For more information on these studies and on the numerous potential health benefits of coffee, please go to or email: